Clubhouse Rules

Each clubhouse has their own set of rules. These rules are based on how the captain wishes to run the clubhouse. Uncommon Kings is a diamond pack club that allows duels against other members of our clubhouse at any time during the week. Please note that some members will not participate in your duel request if you have not made for 50 blue ribbons for the week. Do not think they are ignoring you.

Diamond Pack Club
This is where each member of the clubhouse has to try and make 50 blue ribbons each week. This is accomplished by winning against other members from other clubhouses in Play Mode. Visit The Game link for information on different types of playing modes throughout the game. Each time you win against another clubhouse’s member you gain 1 blue ribbon. During Power Hour you receive 2 ribbons per win. To reach tier 9 (Diamond Pack) we need 40 players to at least get 50 ribbons within the week. Each week is based midnight, Sunday to Sunday (EST).

Tier 1
500 Coins

Tier 2
Gold Pack

Tier 3
100 Coins

Tier 4
25 Gold

Tier 5
1500 Coins

Tier 6
Ruby Pack

Tier 7
Sapphire Pack

Tier 8
50 Coins

Tier 9
Diamond Pack

Player Rules

Last Updated: 25th Mar 2023

We are here to enjoy the club and enjoy the game. With that being said, being rude in the club chat will not be tolerated.

With everyone gaining from the Weekly Challenge, everyone is expected to put up 50 points towards the Weekly Challenge every week. It isn’t fair to those who get 50 every week to have to pull along those who don’t. If you are going to miss a week (because life happens) please let the Captain or a Co-Captain know.

Please write down the club ID key (G77ZL). If you get kicked for inactivity (which may not be your fault, accident, computer crashes etc.) you will be able to get back in. After all, stuff happens.

1. Try to make your 50 Blue Ribbons each week.
2. MVP Status gained by making 50 Blue Ribbons in 3 consecutive weeks.
3. Demotion from current level after 1 week under 50 Blue Ribbons. This can be at the captains discretion.
4. You will be kicked from clubhouse with less than 40 Blue Ribbons if you are ranked a Member (after the first week). If under 10 Blue Ribbons after joining (within first week) you may be kicked from the clubhouse. Rule #5 overrides this rule.
5. Announce away and for how long in clubhouse chat. No more than 3 weeks. You can rejoin later if longer than 3 weeks.
6. Duels are not allowed to be initiated unless you have made your 50 blue ribbons for the week. This is done by winning in “Play Mode”. Co Captains will warn using your player name in the chat area. If you do not comply you may be removed from the clubhouse.
7. Announce player name changes in clubhouse chat. If not announced by the end of current week, all rules above apply.
8. Power hour is for 1 hour from 7PM your local time.
9. Any level whether it be Co-Captain, MVP or Member will be kicked from Clubhouse with more than 10 days inactive unless rule #5 applies.

Co-Captain Rules

Last Updated: 25th Mar 2023

Co-captains assist the Captain with monitoring and managing the Club House. They too are expected to adhere to some kind of rules but not enforced.

1. Greet new members to the Club House.
2. Assist new members when they ask questions.
3. Make sure other members are obeying the rules.
4. Cannot kick MVP’s unless it is essential, unless rule #9 is in force.. This is reserved for the Captain.
5. Ability to kick players of member status for inactivity at their discretion.
6. Never promote any member of the Club House.
7. Watch for inappropriate names.
8. Watch for member name changes and report to Captain.
9. Be active in the chat.
10. Control players of the clubhouse for dueling under 50 blue ribbons. Warn the player via chat before making the decision to kick them from the clubhouse.